The Prewriting Stage of Writing an Essay

August 30, 2022

Writing an essay is a process that comprises different steps andstages. It’s not as easy as putting pen to paper and writing the entire essay.There’s proper planning and research that goes into writing an A-grade-worthypaper. There are different stages starting from prewriting and drafting torevising and editing.


The first stage is the prewriting stage, where you plan and comeup with ideas for your paper. Here you must consider the three different aspects– the topic, your target audience, the point of view or stance, and the purposeof the paper. isdedicated to helping students in the United Kingdom (UK), United States (US),Australia (AU), Canada (CA), Cyprus (CY) and United Arab Emirates (UAE) succeedacademically.


Here are some prewriting strategies that you can follow for youressay:




The first step is coming up with an interesting topic to write on.The best way for finding a topic is to have a brainstorming session. Just jotdown anything and everything that comes to your mind. Don’t worry about thequality of the ideas just write as many points as you can think of. You canfilter them out later.


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Pick a topic and start writing on it for fifteen to twentyminutes, without thinking about the grammatical rules, spellings, etc. writedown as many ideas about the topic as you can in this given time period.


Ask questions 


To gather data, a useful technique is asking a lot of questions.Explore the what, why, when, and how of the subject. offersstudents from the United Kingdom (UK), United States (US), Australia (AU),Canada (CA), and United Arab Emirates (UAE) reliable essay writing servicesfrom professional essay writers.


Understand the Audience 


When collecting information, consider the audience that you arewriting for. It shouldn’t be too complex or generalized for the audience.


If you face trouble during any of the writing stages, there’s noneed to panic. Look for an online writing company and have them assist you withyour paper. If you don’t have the budget for getting papers online, reach outto a reliable essay writer and ask them, “Can you write my essayfree online?”


Students from the United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), UnitedArab Emirates (UAE), Australia (AU), and Canada (CA) can hire the best essaywriters and get professional writing help from

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